Please read this section of text below if the unfairness of hemp prosecutions interests you. The below text shows what a person is capable of when they are treated unjustly by prosecutors who abuse the legal system to gain convictions. This person was eventually forced to defend themselves in court, because the defence attorney(s) they…

Hypotheticals and CBD: How Court Outcomes Are Changed

“…some prosecutors know enough to think they are right – but not enough to know when they are wrong.” This is a small piece looking at how hypotheticals are used in court to misrepresent facts. tThe German minister for food and agriculture Özdemir agrees that the clause allowing hemp prosecutions is ‘senseless’. This ministerial observation…

Is CBD legal in Germany

If you have any small writings about CBD please send them in to us. We will review the article and possibly print. Written in English. Translated with ‘DeepL’ online These names are used interchangeably: Is CBD flower legal in Germany? GERMANS DISCRIMINATED AGAINST UNDER EU LAW A hiccup in the EU strategy begins. Germany drags…

Hanfbar CBD Court Case – finally over? (English Language Version)

It’s finally over. The Hanfbar CBD saga has ended. The two young founders of Hanfbar can live in peace, no more violent harassment from the German State after six long years. Constant police raids, handcuffs and imprisonment, bank accounts closed, money confiscated and constant business disruptions – have finished. The raids are over but the…


Dr John Cambell and CBD. Cannabinoids and health benefits. English version

Dr John Campbell- an English medical personality with a view on – well just about everything. An interesting talk on the effects of CBD (oil) and Covid 19 and a general talk about CBD. If CBD is your interest give it a watch. Its a bit dry, takes 20 minutes and is in English.


LONDON. CBD FLOWER NOT NARCOTICS. ( English Language Version)

https://businessofcannabis.com/landmark-ruling-gives-hope-for-uk-cbd-flower-businesses/ . This is a common sense and sound decision in the UK courts dismissing the view that low level THC flower is intoxicating. This judgement raises concern about the German position that CBD flower and low level THC is a narcotic. Germany unfortunatley seems increasingly isolated as the EU further promotes CBD. The text…

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