Germany advances in Hemp Legislation with the draft law “Nutzhanfliberalisierungsgesetz – NLG”. CBD IN GERMANY 2024

Prosecutions for CBD continue in Germany. Even though the law is about to change.

Author: Luisa Pfau July 18 2024 We have borrowed the article written by Luisa Pfau. We are hoping to provide information about industrial hempmfrom many and varied sources. We trust they do not object to our using their article.

Article: July 18/ 2024

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) recently presented a draft law, the Industrial Hemp Liberalisation Act (Nutzhanfliberlalisierungsgesetz – NLG), which will change the agricultural landscape by liberalising the cultivation and management of industrial hemp. This law will address the complex legal, economic and bureaucratic challenges that have long held back the growth of hemp cultivation in Germany.

Key Provisions and Innovations

• Elimination of the Intoxication clause (Rauschklausel): In the past, the association of hemp with psychoactive cannabis has led to strict controls under narcotics law, severely limiting the agricultural potential of hemp. By removing the clause that required proof of non-abuse for intoxication purposes, the bill aims to remove a major obstacle to hemp cultivation.

• Authorisation of Indoor Hemp Cultivation: The introduction of legal indoor hemp cultivation opens up new economic opportunities, especially in rural areas, and enables year-round cultivation, which is crucial for sectors such as the CBD market.
Operational and Regulatory Simplifications

The NLG simplifies the bureaucratic landscape for hemp farmers and businesses:

• Flexibility in Hemp Farming: The draft law allows cultivation both outdoors and indoors, thus expanding the scope for farmers and companies to innovate and expand.

• Regulatory Streamlining: By cutting back excessive regulatory hurdles, the legislation encourages a more dynamic hemp sector, with less administrative strain on farmers, producers and sellers of flowers. Because farmers now have fewer concerns about the overall use and sell of the hemp plant, especially the sale of the flowers. In particular, online shops and local shops selling CBD flowers will no longer have problems selling CBD flowers if they contain less than 0.3% THC, as the intoxication clause no longer exists. This opens a big market as this part of the hemp plant has bigger market volumes and more interesting margins.


This bill, which is currently going through the legislative process, has far-reaching implications for sustainable agriculture and economic development. The aim is to promote sustainable raw materials and support climate protection. By reforming outdated regulations and promoting a crop with numerous environmental benefits, Germany is setting a progressive example for hemp legislation worldwide.

This is an important step for the German hemp industry and also towards a more sustainable agricultural policy that not only meets economic needs but also addresses pressing environmental issues.

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