The clause which permits CBD to be criminalised and punished – will soon be removed. But it is still used to convict people even though it’s recognised as unjust.

The ” intoxication clause” has not only been seen as unjust but “senseless”, and because of this the German politician, Cem Özdemir has promised it will soon be gone. The intoxication clause is simply a hypothetical clause invented to allow quick and easy convictions of hemp retailers. Now the clause is recognised to allow unjust prosecutions. This means the industrial hemp and CBD industries will soon cease to be prosecuted using an unjust clause.

Police prosecutors, ignore this new direction in the hemp law, continuing to prosecute. It’s suggested they are prosecuting even faster than before, because once the clause is removed, easy hemp convictions will stop. ‘Make hay while the sun shines’ seems to be the motto of the day. This is how the law is working in modern Germany, 2024.

Prosecutions and the weapons trade both make the state rich. The state doesn’t publicise its darker sources of income, but enjoys the wealth it provides. Convictions, even unjust convictions, allow a victims assets to be forcefully removed and spent by the state as its own. Large fines, imposed by prosecutors for unjust convictions, likewise fatten the wealth of the state. If the state takes money from unjust convictions, it’s an economic crime.

The more wealth the prosecutor brings to the door of the state the more their career will advance, and in time, if they choose, they can move into the golden offices of international law firms – with salaries of truly vulgar proportions. Not all prosecutors are interested in wealth. An honorable prosecutor may take satisfaction knowing their hard work has provided a better environment where children play more safely and adults can walk the streets at night. This is payment enough. Not all people are altruistic however and the majority are moved by personal enrichment.

Prosecutors, in Germany are continuing to use an unjust legal clause to prosecute. The law must always be used wisely and honestly so as to not burden honest citizens, great judges and legal thinkers have said this throughout history. King Solomon famously combined legal precepts with wisdom and the ‘Judgement of Solomon’ is remebered through time as a decision of great wisdom.

No one asks that prosecutors and judges match the wisdom of King Solomon. However we do expect the judiciary to use some common sense. When it comes to hemp prosecutions the German judiciary has used little wisdom or very little common sense. The criminalising of ordinary people using a soon to be removed clause and a judicial class that allows this to happen – is a concern.

Those entrusted by the state to judge and punish others – must themselves be respectful of the law and its intentions. They must have ‘clean hands’. The prosecuting class must not be practicing legally unjust conduct against those whom they prosecute. When a law or a clause is seen as unjust and soon to be removed: why do prosecutors continue using this clause to convict? Is this just? If future generations look back and review hemp convictions, for whatever reason, how will Germany’s prosecutors be remebered. Will they be remebered for their common sense and wisdom or something else?

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