This answer from a laboratory confirms that THC variations in CBD bud are quite common. The same plant can measure <0.2% THC and also >0,2% THC. This information is technical and more complicated than the answer in the previous post, but tells us that CBD bud which is over 0.2% THC, can be questioned on several grounds.

Question: If industrial hemp flower is analysed and it measures at < 0.2% THC and the (same) hemp flower is re-analysed 2 or 3 or 4 or even 5 years later, is it possible that the flower will test at a slightly higher THC reading? Or the flower might test at a slightlg lower THC reading than < 0.2% ? Is this hypothetically possible?


Hello, it is in the nature of the plant that the THC value fluctuates. Basically, it can be said that the fluctuation range in each plant is up to 20%. If you would analyze each bud of a plant individually, you would notice this huge deviation within one plant. Incorrect storage and the influence of energies such as heat can cause the flowers to decarboxylate. This means that THCA is converted to d9-THC, which in turn means that the T-THC sum can increase slightly, as the sum is calculated as follows:THCA x 0.878 + d9-THC + d8-THC. To our knowledge, the decarboxylation does not necessarily happen 1:1 which means this can very well influence the THC sum.

Best wishes

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